Journal and refereed papers
Townley, L.R., and Wilson, J.L. (1985), Computationally-efficient algorithms for parameter estimation and uncertainty propagation in numerical models of groundwater flow, Water Resources Research, 21(12), 1851-1860. doi:10.1029/WR021i012p01851
Bates, B.C., and Townley, L.R. (1988), Nonlinear, discrete flood event models, 1. Bayesian estimation of parameters, Journal of Hydrology, 99, 61-76. doi:10.1016/0022-1694(88)90078-9
Bates, B.C., and Townley, L.R. (1988), Nonlinear, discrete flood event models, 3. Analysis of prediction uncertainty, Journal of Hydrology, 99, 91-101. doi:10.1016/0022-1694(88)90080-7
Townley, L.R., and Davidson, M.R. (1988), Definition of a capture zone for shallow water table lakes, Journal of Hydrology, 104, 53-76. doi:10.1016/0022-1694(88)90157-6
Townley, L.R. (1989), The implications of spatial averaging in estimating net recharge for regional aquifer flow models, in Groundwater Recharge (Ed. M.L. Sharma), A. Balkema Pub. Company, Rotterdam.
Townley, L.R., and Wilson, J.L. (1989), Estimation of boundary values and identification of boundary type for numerical models of aquifer flow, Transport in Porous Media, 4, 567-584. doi:10.1007/bf00223628
Townley, L.R., and Turner, J.V. (1992), Groundwater flow near shallow lakes: new insights and implications for management, Water, Journal of the Australian Water and Waste Water Association, December, 40-41.
Brooker, A.M.H., and Townley, L.R. (1994), Flow and solute transport through a levee separating fluids with different densities, Water Resources Research, 30(6), 1847-1856. doi:10.1029/94wr00153
Nield, S.P., Townley, L.R., and Barr, A.D. (1994), A framework for quantitative analysis of surface water - groundwater interaction: Flow geometry in a vertical section, Water Resources Research, 30(8), 2461-2475. doi:10.1029/94wr00796
Townley, L.R. (1995), The response of aquifers to periodic forcing, Advances in Water Resources, 18(3), 125-146. doi:10.1016/0309-1708(95)00008-7
McLaughlin, D., and Townley, L.R. (1996), A reassessment of the groundwater inverse problem, Water Resources Research, 32(5), 1131-1161. doi:10.1029/96wr00160
Ellerbroek, D.A., Jones, D.R., Townley, L.R., and Eames, J.C. (1997), Hydrology and geochemistry of coal spoil and final voids, In: Subsurface hydrological responses to land cover and land use changes, M. Taniguchi (Ed.), Proceedings of AGU Western Pacific Geophysics meeting, Brisbane, 27 July 1996, Springer, Boston Massachusetts, 87-104, doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-6141-5_7.
Townley, L.R. (1998), Shallow groundwater systems, In: Shallow Groundwater Systems, IAH International Contributions to Hydrogeology 18, Heise Verlag, 3-12.
Trefry, M.G., and Townley, L.R. (1998), Laplace flow near an ellipsoidal conductor, Computers in Physics, 12(5), 503-511. doi:10.1063/1.168721
Townley, L.R., and Trefry, M.G. (2000), Surface water - groundwater interaction near shallow circular lakes: Flow geometry in three dimensions, Water Resources Research, 36(4), 935-948. doi:10.1029/1999wr900304
Smith, A.J., and Townley, L.R. (2002), The influence of regional setting on the interaction between shallow lakes and aquifers, Water Resources Research, 38(9), 1170. doi:10.1029/2001WR000781
Smith, A.J., Townley, L.R., and Trefry, M.G. (2005), Visualization of aquifer response to periodic forcing, Advances in Water Resources, 28, 819-834. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2005.02.001
Turner, J.V, and Townley, L.R. (2006), Determination of groundwater flow-through regimes of shallow lakes and wetlands from numerical analysis of stable isotope and chloride tracer distribution patterns, Special issue on groundwater - surface water interactions in wetlands and integrated water resources management, Journal of Hydrology, 320, 451-483. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.07.050
Valverde Pérez, B., Johnson, B., Wärff, C., Lumley, D., Torfs, E., Nopens, I., and Townley, L.R. (2021), Digital Water: Operational digital twins in the urban water sector: case studies, IWA White Paper, London UK, 17 pp.
Torfs, E., Nicolaï, N., Daneshgar, S., Copp, J.B., Haimi, H., Ikumi, D., Johnson, B., Plosz, B.B., Snowling, S., Townley, L.R., Valverde Pérez, B., Vanrolleghem, P.A., Vezzaro, L., and Nopens, I. (2022), The transition of WRRF models to Digital Twin applications, Water Science and Technology, 85(10): 2840-2853. doi:10.2166/wst.2022.107
Townley, L.R. (2023), Addendum to: “The response of aquifers to periodic forcing”, 18(3), 125-146, 1995, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 179, September, Article 104518. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2023.104518
Townley, L.R., and Turner, J.V. (2024), Consistent solutions for simultaneous dynamic water, solute, stable isotope and radon balances to estimate average exchange fluxes between surface water bodies and groundwater, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 644, November, 131995. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131995
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